How To Use Social Media for Technical Recruiting?


Social recruiting is crucial for businesses as more people are joining social networks and using them for job searches. Considering that Social media is used by over 4.62 billion people worldwide, it is wise for recruiters to use social networks to draw potential job candidates. Although it requires some effort to do it correctly, social media recruitment can be a significant advantage. Read on to learn how you can use social media to recruit tech candidates.

Social Media for Recruitment

Using social media for technical recruiting can help you attract new employees and communicate your corporate culture to prospective hires. You may host videos, upload pictures, and brand your social networking accounts. Employees should swiftly respond to queries and comments, and job seekers and customers should be encouraged to join in discussions. Potential employees can learn more about the organization through social media before applying. You may make sure a candidate is a good fit for the organization by pushing prospective hires to learn more about it before accepting a position.

How To Use Social Media to Recruit Technical Candidates?

Each business should have a distinctive social media recruiting approach. Here are some fundamental concepts your business might employ to launch: 

  • Utilize tech-specific online platforms: Recruiters can use online platforms such as LinkedIn, GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Anglelist to source for top tech talents. Developers, for instance, share knowledge on StackOverflow and GitHub. So, utilize these niche platforms to search for top tech talents.
  • Take part in the appropriate conversations: Finding qualified candidates while cutting through the clutter is the secret to successful social media recruiting. Using hashtags and participating in LinkedIn groups are excellent strategies to get your job vacancies in front of the prospects you want to apply.
  • Promote your culture while adopting a tactful attitude: Social media can be used to promote company culture in addition to simply posting open positions on company accounts. To attract people naturally, you should also post content that demonstrates what a terrific place your organization is to work. Since people enjoy discussing businesses with distinctive cultures, this strategy can receive a lot of shares.
  • Boost the social media presence of your recruiters: There are limits to what corporate accounts can achieve. Individual recruiters are able to establish personal relationships with prospects, but they must first be familiar with social media best practices and regularly use their accounts. 

Because each social media platform is unique, each platform calls for a different strategy. Decide on the audience you want to appeal to, and then adjust your approach accordingly. If you want to start with social media recruiting, get to know the platform well and then progressively expand your presence there.

Social Media Channels for Tech Recruiting

Some of the main social channels that can be used for tech recruiting are summarized below:


Create an account with the name of your business on Twitter, and add a picture and a short bio. Start by following a few people who are tweeting about things related to your industry. You can locate a tonne of contacts by conducting a simple search for anyone using a particular term on Twitter. People who work in the business, those who might have the talents you require, or their network should be your targets for following. Frequently, these individuals will follow you back, helping you expand your number of followers.


LinkedIn is a crucial screening tool because it is the largest professional network in the world and the most popular social media network for recruiting. Your business can effortlessly maintain a prominent connection with both active and inactive prospects thanks to a broad network of valuable contacts. Create your company profile first. Make sure to maintain your company profile current and pertinent after you’ve created it. Edit frequently to include job ads and corporate news.

You can actively look for prospects among LinkedIn users by conducting keyword searches for persons who have the necessary credentials mentioned in their profile. After that, you can contact applicants directly via InMail or, if you know one of them, ask for an introduction.


Facebook has advanced the ways in which job seekers engage with the businesses they find appealing. Diverse exposure is not a problem because it includes people of every age, gender, and race. It’s the ideal area to interact with job searchers, provide industry insights, and advertise all of your open positions because of the high user retention. Start by developing an interesting corporate page and making sure that all of the content is current and pertinent. Make sure to make your page public so that people can receive notifications when you publish new jobs or other updates.

Encourage your staff to participate and provide comments on your page. Don’t forget to reply to every comment, positive or negative. Don’t merely post job openings on your wall. Use it to maintain interest so that more people will visit the page frequently and see the posting when a job opening occurs.


Thus, social media platforms can be used for technical hiring by developing certain strategies. If you’re implementing social media recruiting for the first time, you should exercise patience throughout the entire hiring process, as social media recruiting takes time. There is no cause for hesitation for recruiters before using a social media recruiting approach. After sourcing and shortlisting tech candidates from social media, businesses can opt for interviewing platforms like HireHunch to streamline their tech recruitment process. HireHunch assists businesses in recruiting top technical talents by evaluating the skills and expertise of their tech candidates.


Q. How do I recruit skilled technical candidates?

There’s a huge demand for skilled technical candidates, and technical hiring can be challenging and time-consuming. To recruit skilled tech professionals, recruiters and employers can check online platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, LinkedIn, etc.

Q. What social media is best for recruiting?

Unquestionably, one of the most effective social networking sites for recruiters to look for skilled candidates is LinkedIn. It is a professional networking platform where recruiters can search for qualified candidates based on the role they are hiring for and connect with them to discuss further.

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